肝癌風險計算器 HCC calculator | 香港中文大學-閱肝|專業健康資訊|擺脫腸胃肝病

乙肝致癌可致命 風險程度有數計
Evaluating the risk for developing Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in patients with chronic hepatitis B

English introduction

Hepatitis B infection might lead to liver inflammation. Prolonged inflammation increases the risk for cirrhosis and even HCC. Knowledge on the HCC risk aids decisions in treatment and cancer screening. In light of this, the Center for Liver Health developed a HCC Calculator based on our previous research for public use. If you have chronic hepatitis B and have regular check-ups, please enter your information and test results. The score would be more accurate if your test results are more recent. Data collected would only be used for HCC risk calculation. It would not be used or disclosed to any third parties without consent.